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SYC Girls Softball

    Jeff Creskoff

    Jeff Creskoff

    Softball Commissioner

    DICK'S Sporting Goods

    And if you need something before or after 8/16 – 8/18, CLICK HERE for other coupons good in-store throughout the year-- (20% off and season-long coupons cannot be combined*) 

    The mission of SYC Softball is to offer Springfield area youth the opportunity to play house level softball in a controlled environment that provides entertainment and enjoyment. In addition, SYC Softball will focus on development of softball skills to prepare youth for participation in high school programs at the varsity and junior varsity level. SYC Softball is designated as a girl’s sport.


    • 18 and under (18U) Division - ages 13-18
    • 12 and under (12U) Division - ages 11-12
    • 10 and under (10U) Division - ages 9-10
    •  8 and under (8U) Division – ages 8 and under

    League age is determined by an individual’s age as of December 31 of the previous calendar year in accordance with Amateur Softball Association (ASA) code. The 8U Division generally consists of ages 6 through 8 in the spring and 5 through 8 in the fall, though family requests for players younger than the minimum age will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Where a player’s skill level is such that they are no longer challenged at their normal age group, a family request for that player to play up with older players will generally be favorably considered.


    We are always looking for experienced high school players to help with any of the following:

    • Umpiring 10U rec league games

    • Assistant coach / helping at practices at the 8U, 10U, or 12U level

    Time commitment is flexible, depending on your schedule.  This is a great way to get volunteer hours and also add something to your resume, including a reference letter from the softball commissioner.  Please email for additional information.

    Field Status

    Fairfax County field status is updated M-F after 3pm.  Any field close signs posted at the field take precedence over the website or dial-in number.

    The status of elementary school fields are determined by coaches.   Guideline: If you can leave a footprint on a muddy field, the field is closed.

    Softball Sponsors

    Sponsored by Kositzka, Wicks, & Company, CPAs

    Kositzka, Wicks, & Company, CPAs

    Visit Website
    Sponsored by DICK'S Sporting Goods

    DICK'S Sporting Goods

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