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Volunteer with SYC

Add yourself as a player to register!



Sports Ball - $10

Shoes - $30

Volunteering - Priceless!



SYC Staff, BOD, Coaches, Managers, Trainers

If you are volunteering to coach, assistant coach, or other (or if you are an SYC Staff, BOD or travel soccer manager/trainer), it is mandatory that you submit an application for a background check, complete abuse awareness on-line training, and complete the concussion awareness training videos. The office staff will send volunteers information and links for completion. 

Volunteer Building Director Exam

Needed for volunteers using gym space.

Concussion Awareness Training

When you register as a volunteer with SYC, you will be required to complete the Concussion Education Training (CET) in order to maintain compliance with Virginia State Law. 

More information about CET.

Questions? Contact