Current Registrants: Please check your email regularly (incl. spam/junk) for important season updates.
For a complete overview of our programs, please visit the Program Overview page.
SYC Track and Field offers a winter running conditioning season from January - March and a spring season from March - June. Athletes in grades K - 8 will have the opportunity to compete in local meets. Athletes of all abilities and experience are welcome in our program.
The following events are offered:
We utilize age and skill-appropriate instruction to engage young athletes in the awesome sport of track & field. Our primary goal is to develop athletes for gradual, long-term success in the sport. We teach athletes proper form, basic running skills, and hone in on the skills needed for endurance running and fast, explosive sprinting. Join us to see why thousands of athletes have trusted SYC Track & Field over the years to provide an unrivaled introduction to this rapidly growing sport.
We highly recommend athletes participate in both winter and spring track seasons. Because spring is full of fun events and meets, we get few opportunities to practice, whereas winter track is purely practice. Athletes will receive a more well-rounded introduction to the sport by participating in both seasons.